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Supreme Court Welcomes New CJ, Bids Farewell to Hon. Justice Katureebe
Hon. Justice Owiny-Dollo the Chief Justice receiving the Chief Justice Emeritus, Hon. Justice Katureebe

Sky's Protea Hotel wasthe venue of a memorable evening as Supreme Court Justices formally welcomedthe new Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo and also bidfarewell to CJ Emeritus, Hon. Justice Bart M. Katureebe.

The Justices also usedthe dinner to commend retired Justices of the Court, thanking them for a jobwell done.

Hon. Lady Justice StellaArach Amoko pointed out that the dinner had been planned earlier but had to bepostponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its attendant problems. 

The Chief Justicethanked the Justices for the kind gesture to bid farewell to the now retiredCJ. He said, "we shall remember you for the many things you have doneincluding fighting for us to have a home for us the appellate courts, thepassing of the Administration of the Judiciary Act..."

Hon. JusticeOwiny-Dollo went on to thank the Deputy Chief Justice, Hon. Justice RichardButeera (who was in attendance for his exemplary leadership skills. "Ihave no doubt that the current DCJ will do a better job than I did as DCJ. Iwill appreciate his guidance because he has spent longer in the Supreme Courtthan I have and has more experience (at the Court)."

He also thanked Godfor his position which he described as "the pinnacle of a legal career".

The Chief JusticeEmeritus shared how his time in as the head of the Judiciary was an enrichingand learning experience. 

He added, "we doa lot as Justices and sometimes we are not appreciated. However, when you lookat the work and the appreciation and the consultancies Justices get afterretirement, then you realize that indeed you are appreciated."

He added, "the Judiciaryof Uganda is very strong even though there are challenges, our judges aresecond to none...stay strong and we shall be able to continue flying high."

The retired CJ alsoapplauded the role of the administrative staff for ensuring that he enjoyed aseamless tenure in office.

Hon. Lady JusticeEsther Kisaakye who spoke on behalf of the Supreme Court Justices, equallythanked the retired justices for serving their country in different capacities.She appreciated the fact that in spite of their differences in opinion, theymaintained a cordial working relationship.

On behalf of theretired justices, Hon. Justice Jotham Tumwesigye said the Bench was "one of thebest places that he had served". He urged the Judiciary administration toconsider creating offices for retired Justices to read, work and continueinteracting with their colleagues.

The climax of theevening's merrymaking was when the Chief Justice cut cake together. This wasfollowed by a plaque which was handed to Hon. Justice Katureebe in appreciationof his service as Chief Justice. The other retired Justices were each giventokens of appreciation for a job well-done. 

Hon. Justice MikeChibita and retired Justices; Hon. Justice Augustine Nshimye and Hon. Justice EldadMwangusya took part in the celebration. Also present was the Court's Registrar;HW Harriet Ssali-Abrahams.

Posted 30th, November 2020
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